
Beats for Streaming

This is our comprehensive playlist with all BeatsBackground music. The playlist is over ten hours of non copyright music for Twitch and designed with streamers in mind.

Strictly Lofi

Our best lofi playlist, this has over seven hours of lofi music and is perfect to listen to all day. Filled with chill hip hop beats and lofi music.

Coffee Shop Lofi

The lofi music playlist for your morning. This two hour playlist is meant for the background of your morning routine and helps you get the day started right.

ADHD Study Beats

A great ADHD hyperfixation playlist to help with focus. Contains hand-picked BeatsBackground lofi tracks in a 2+ hour playlist.

Focus Beats

Lofi hip hop playlist to zone out and focus. Perfect for study sessions and long afternoons.

EDM - Beats for Streaming

1 Hour+ of DMCA-free EDM for Twitch and YouTube streamers. A playlist to give you energy and use in your streams!